***   DISCLAIMER   ***
ALL parties participating in this line dance class, as well as their heirs, executors and administrators, agree and are bound to hold the owner of Dancin' Feet in Motion and their agents harmless from all suits, claims and demands of every kind and character arising out of and in conjunction with this activity.  Each individual understands the physical risks of social dance and they assume full responsibility for any injury or personal damages resulting from these lessons or events sponsored by Dancin' Feet in Motion.  Each individual must realize their own personal fitness to take part in this activity; the owner of Dancin' Feet in Motion is not responsible for your physical or mental health.


Welcome to my website! You must be looking for something enjoyable and fun to do in your spare time! You have come to the right place. Line dancing has been around as early as the 1950’s. It really made a hit in the early 1970’s, and has been progressively getting more popular since then. A line dance is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines or rows without regard for the gender or age of the individuals, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancers are not in physical contact with each other.

Line Dancing isn't just country-western any more! It's modern, urban sophistication, swing syncopations, flowing waltz and nightclub rhythms, hip hop and dances with a Latin flavor. We are still dancing in lines — but are enjoying a large variety of music. Line dancing originated in country-western bars, but it isn't just fancy footwork to country-western tunes any more. Line dancing has evolved to offer everyone fun and enjoyment and will keep you coming back for more. Line dancing is enjoyed internationally -- England, for example, boasts one million regular line dancers.

Its fun, great exercise and it will free the dancer in you! No partners needed and is perfect for singles! Fun for all ages! Smoke free! Learn new and traditional line dances in a comfortable, welcoming, fun-filled class! Beginners welcome! Teens and seniors welcome! Two left feet welcome! Since you dance on your own, line dancing is ideal for singles and for partners of non-dancers. It's also wonderful for people who want a social activity that doesn't involve dating or partnering or going to a bar to enjoy!

Line dancing burns 200 to 375 calories an hour! So, it’s great exercise and enjoyed by thousands of dancers all across the planet. Come on out and have fun….we’ll save a spot on the dance floor just for you! Choreographers all over the world have created dances for our enjoyment and pleasure! Often, line dancers travel all over the world to attend dance workshops - dance instruction every hour with an international instructor. And there are lots of local workshops for the beginner and advanced dancers to attend as well.

Join my classes for a lot of laughs, fun, and although having fun, a good physical and mental workout as well. To be able to remember the steps to a particular dance when the instructor calls out the name of the dance is a good indication that your mind has been working hard to keep Alzheimer's disease at bay. I hope you enjoy yourself as you browse through the pages.

Thursday, October 3, 2024
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Venue: Parkside Centre, 140 Durham St., Sudbury
(in the YMCA building-not part of the YMCA)
Parkside membership not required to attend this class.
Pre-registration is required to determine room size.  Email Carol at dancinfeetinmotion@
gmail.com or call (705) 665-1399 to do so.  Further information will be provided once you are registered.
We'll save a spot on the dance floor for you!
See "New Beginner" tab


Mark your calendars!
Full details to follow on the NCLDC 2025 tab at a later date

There are no strangers here - only friends who haven't met yet!
Author unknown

Have a read - good reasons!  You don't know what you are missing until you try it!

(click on)


See an additional At a Glance comparison table under
Blog at gerardmurphy.weebly.com.